

Address: No. 12, Shihe Road, S中放hidao Management District, Rongcheng C家書ity, Shandong Province
Application Mech刀吧anism of Ozone in Cold Storag志能e
2021-01-31 17:31
Application Mechanism of Ozone in Cold到下 Storage
The application of ozone in cold stor短空age mainly has three asp亮一ects: 1. Killing microorganisms - di農服sinfection and ster數廠ilization; 2. oxidizing various 費道odorous inorganic or orga行友nic substances - d弟農eodorizing; 3. o讀遠xidizing metabolic product文要s, thereby inhibiting妹訊 the metabolic process.
① Killing microorganisms -那為 disinfection and sterilizatio醫長n;
While freezing may kill some b呢山acteria, some pathogenic bacteria a為黑re extremely resistant to cold 劇術temperatures and will "res道懂urrect" once the tempera兒國ture returns. Especiall計都y in the cooling room and the refrigera們到ting room, since the t吧快emperature is suitable for the growth 靜請of low temperature bacteria, mold and年朋 yeast, the stored 還生food will be damaged in large 明街quantities. In this case, 金高the use of ozone 器都will give satisfactory results. Ozone南時 is a gas sterilant, and its ba裡錯cteriostatic and sterilizing eff也裡ects are usually the combined resu一路lts of physical, chemical and 討男biological aspects. Its mechanism 的科of action can be summa購學rized into the following three points能醫: a. Acting on the cell mem場說brane, leading to低中 an increase in 得雜the permeability少木 of the cell membrane玩章, outflow of intracellular 笑司substances, and deactivating the cel熱看l; b. Deactivating the enzymes nece做鄉ssary for cell acti計購vity. These enzymes分件 can be either basal metabolic 資自enzymes or very impo謝看rtant enzymes for synthesizin樂外g cells; c. Destroy the cyto紅問plasmic human genetic mate老錯rial or make it non-functional. It is g路空enerally believed that ozone高離 kills viruses by directly destroyin子這g their RNA (ribonucleic ac匠唱id) or DNA (deoxy城些ribonucleic acid) sub弟在stances. While ozone kill師事s bacteria and mold microor作雜ganisms, ozone first acts 答快on the cell memb數火rane, causing damage to 事日the composition of the行一 cell membrane, cau就作sing metabolic di兒作sorders and inhibiting its growth. Ozo紅門ne continues to penetrate and d南金estroy the tissue土懂 within the membran著西e until death.
②Oxidation of various odoro媽妹us inorganic or o地北rganic substances - deodorization;
Ozone itself has a special smell時一. The use of ozone to 媽費remove ozone does not cover other 知有odors with the smell章水 of ozone, but mainly uses t是妹he strong oxidizing po亮購wer of ozone. The main co廠不mponents of ozon對校e smell are amine R3N,新和 cyanide sulfide H2S, methyl me藍就rcaptan CH3SH dimethyl sulfi音用de CH3SCH3, dim說老ethyl disulfide CH3-S-S-CH3 a線醫nd so on.
③ Oxidation of metabolic products, th中行ereby inhibiting the metabolic有紅 process.
During the storage o報文f fruits and vegetables in cold storage數農, ethylene will短就 be produced. It will affect車坐 other fruits and vegeta站員bles and make them further能畫 mature. This process begins with brow現們ning of the ski船黃n, softness of the fles舊海h, and eventual 船地rotting. The use of 員離ozone can oxidize ethylene 慢火into CO2 and water. Whi見小le the ozone generator produces員新 ozone, it also produces a large長近 amount of negative 購來ions, which also have the effect o離黃f inhibiting the metabolism of fruits訊明 and vegetables.
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