Address: No. 12, Shi笑會he Road, Shidao現紙 Management District, Rongcheng近電 City, Shandong Province
Simple maintenance an山頻d odor eliminat就聽ion methods in the use of 問這cold storage
2021-08-13 00:00
Cold storage maintenance
Ⅰ. Mildew removal, sterilizati市書on and disinfection 時現of cold storage The coo術些king raw materials and food refrigerate自校d in the cold storage contain姐技 certain fat, protein and s腦長tarch. The presence of thes要國e nutrients wil熱區l allow mold and bact樂大eria to multiply and購訊 grow. In order to do a go船又od job in the s我什anitation management of cold刀路 rooms and ensure著的 the refrigerated錢請 quality of food and cooking materi長就als, it is necessary to carry out 河裡sanitation and disinfection西森 of cold rooms o了車n a regular basis. For mildew removal 廠公and disinfection in co有理ld storage, aci木雜d disinfectant ca慢人n be used first. The b兵了actericidal effect of acid 身雨disinfectant is mainly to solidify t船吧he protein in the bacteria. Common disi票妹nfectants are lactic 年制acid, poroxyactic acid, bleac車黃hing powder, formalin, etc.
Ⅱ. the method of eliminating peculiar 街器smell in the cold storage
1. The reason for the peculiar smell i公服n the cold storage The so-called pecul算照iar smell, that is, under the influenc書湖e of external factors, the c下內ooking materials and food in the c爸坐old storage will produce an abnormal討校 smell through physical and che廠從mical changes. Over time, t問鐘his smell will stick to the col美頻d storage. on the walls, ceil少山ing, and equipment and tools.海弟 Generally speaking, th靜河ere are the following reasons要麗 for the peculiar smell in the cold 照姐storage: There is an odor in the 暗這cold storage before the food is put int外藍o it. Before the food is put into the 懂如cold storage, there is a phenomeno做呢n of spoilage, such as spoiled e錢妹ggs, meat, fish, etc. Foods such a討工s meat, eggs, or fruits and ve時不getables are stored in 廠你the cold storage where fish ha請是s been stored without微要 cleaning, resulting in odor i歌到nfection and deterior哥文ation. The cold storage is poorly venti街為lated, and the temperature and humid劇妹ity are too high, resulting in a large 費好number of molds and a mo舊線ldy smell. The leaka飛動ge of the refrigeration pipeline o我會f the cold storage, the corrosio森制n of the refrigerant (ammonia少讀) into the food cause件樂s the generation of p醫現eculiar smell. The temperatur器舊e in the cold storage高近 does not drop, causing the 工河meat to deteriorate and p數也roduce a rotten smell. This situ線哥ation mostly occur照拍s when the fresh meat 讀綠is not frozen, and 離山it is transferred to少外 the warehouse for storag樂兵e. Foods with different odors are stor和技ed in a cold storage warehou費相se, which leads to the mutual車子 infection of food o微年dors.
. The method to preve長到nt the odor of the cold storage The 行著food that is refr快一igerated in the cold storage must be i鐵見nspected, and the food t懂我hat has not dete熱生riorated can be s笑關tored in the warehouse. The樂年 cold storage wareh如了ouse must not have peculiar 影器smell before purc離雜hasing. If there is 睡水peculiar smell, it must民又 undergo technical treat能時ment to eliminate the peculiar smel歌商l before use. Usually, it is necessa請是ry to strengthen the ma得快intenance of refrigeration equipmen訊外t, and it is strict國呢ly forbidden to dump and 火購unload the goods to preven亮南t the pipeline from being smashe東化d and the refrigerant leaking也慢. During the cold processing of food,黑大 the cold storage roo和湖m must be kept at a certa火服in temperature, 司北and frozen food must西西 not be transferred or stored. If t為熱he temperature of the cold storage 志亮warehouse cannot be lowered, the rea道飛son should be found and到大 the food processing should be carri雨船ed out after the exclusion. Foo土聽ds that are infected with each othe熱煙r shall not be mixed and stored 理區in the cold storage.
3. The method of eliminating odor 章家in cold storage is ozon什高e method. Ozone has 樹文a strong oxidizing effect, which can來體 not only eliminate the odor of co又北ld storage wareh讀遠ouses, but also prevent the growth of 讀費microorganisms. The ozone ge藍電nerator can be used to e制機liminate the odor in the 費站warehouse. If food火暗 with more fat is sto文男red in the cold sto慢票rage, it is not suitable to 見裡use ozone treatment to avoid t下數he phenomenon of rancidi拿新ty caused by fat oxidation. Formalde是司hyde method. Move the goods ou劇離t of the cold storage warehouse a為內nd use 2% formaldehyde aqueous solu不樹tion (ie, formali風門n solution) to disi喝大nfect and eliminate od門都ors. Vinegar method. The co到他ld storage warehouse where the 如信fish has been instal大什led has a strong fishy smell自媽. It should not be loaded w冷你ith other food. It must be thorou門照ghly cleaned to remove th秒暗e fishy smell b市理efore loading oth請店er food. The gen頻呢eral way to remove the fi雜北shy smell is to use vin市拍egar. The speci不習fic method is: after the 木事fish is out of th土場e cold storage, remove the frost l來下ayer on the evap請習oration tube group, and keep the tem得坐perature of the warehouse below 50 ℃你嗎, and then prepare 50-100 grams o綠報f vinegar according to些你 the volume of each cubic meter of th友吃e cold storage warehouse. The行習 sprayer sprays好亮 into the warehouse, first close th子自e warehouse door tightly, and 村雜start the blower intermittentl他兒y to let the vinegar volatilize暗作 and flow in the ware離校house, so that the vinegar can absorb a腦到 lot of fishy smell. Generally, open 玩去the door of the cold 遠司storage room after about 4-24 hours, 相雪and the vinegar物請 smell can be blown out of the warehous制技e by continuous blasting for se自電veral hours. Cold storage maintenance 1現路. After the cold storage i銀務s installed or use間校d for a long time, the coo近慢ling rate should be reasonable: i藍火t is advisable to contr有腦ol it at 8-10 °樂船;C every day, and it should be k海化ept for a period of time at 0 °C.快站 Second, the maintenance 近廠of the cold storage boa樂亮rd, pay attention to th北玩e collision and scratch農要es of the hard obje員去cts on the storag器輛e body during use. Because it 土舊can cause depression and corrosio件吃n of the library bo們請ard, it will seriously reduce the loca體年l thermal insulation of the library嗎秒 body.
Ⅲ. Maintenance of the sealing par資我ts of the cold sto著北rage. Since the prefabric看請ated cold storage is made up of several近樹 insulation boards, there are certain g那民aps between the boards. These司煙 gaps will be sealed w水頻ith sealant during construction報子 to prevent air an章一d moisture from entering家風. Therefore, some parts of 從就the seal failur書商e should be repaired in time in use.算明
Ⅳ. Ground maintenance of cold s店自torage. Generally, the技鐵 ground of small prefabricated cold 輛吃storage uses insulation b化要oard. When using cold storage, 問些a large amount of ice and water s雜知hould be prevented o吧白n the ground. If there is ice, do n資車ot use hard objects to damage 內紅the ground when cleaning.
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