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How to save energy in cold storag飛醫e
2020-01-27 00:00
The factors of energy consumpt飛長ion of the cold storag劇子e mainly include the performance 錢我of the refrigeration 微月system of the cold storage, 窗計the selection of用不 the refrigerant, t低有he selection of the compr劇雜essor condenser and the evapo很吃rator, the scale算讀 and layout of t好雪he cold storage, the t站高ype and thickness of the in又裡sulation layer of the cold暗低 storage, and the amount of東低 goods entering and leaving the co雪內ld storage. The number of times, the th件黃ermal insulation pe校頻rformance of the outer door of th信些e cold storage, etc., to improve the re機刀frigeration effic技影iency of the cold storage鄉秒, all factors should be taken into acc問動ount.
The way to reduce energy cons自商umption of energy-saving cold sto的西rage is usually divided into two part關鄉s: 1) reducing the cooling load of 麗年cold storage, (2金業) selection of cold storage equipment林很.
Ⅰ. The energy-saving fruit and vegeta空秒ble cold storage of fruit間身 and vegetable cold st還用orage refers to the storage boa市東rd, refrigeration unit, evaporator, e看在tc. that make up 機工the cold storage are pre-m輛美anufactured in the fa區公ctory. And the storage capacity is g樹科enerally less than 200m3, whic能為h is used for cold sto不校rage for fresh-keeping storage. 廠通According to the來湖 design temperature cla理能ssification, Rruit-vegetable micro影都 cold storage belongs to high temperat姐讀ure cold storag綠女e. Micro cold sto雜行rage is compose開謝d of refrigeration system, wareho嗎術use, control system and so on.
Factors of energy consumption an鐵動d energy-saving measure山件s of cold storage fo件高r fruits and veg月照etables
1. Enclosure structure of cold storage 照呢The cooling capacity o船村f the cold storage through the e公快nclosure is proportional to the unit h分相eat flow of the enclosure of the col子火d storage. Therefore, m雨算ore efforts shou身了ld be made to reduce the unit heat f謝車low index of the cold storage encl拍跳osure of the cold storage.信相 To reduce the unit heat fl生知ow of the building envelope, firstly, 謝廠the thermal conduc地分tivity of the thermal insulati街吧on material shoul時紙d be small, and se們靜condly, the envelope layer 樹黃should be thicker. However, the t子技hickness should not be too t議低hick in general, otherwise t門呢here will be problems such as 物藍increasing the construct器器ion cost and wasti從短ng space. Therefore, the insulati謝現on material should be selec票湖ted within the appropriate th還放ickness range. Under normal circumsta姐吃nces, the thermal conductivity 城讀of the thermal insulation m好是aterial is required to b去這e low, the water空市 absorption rate is low爸請, the low temperature re話窗sistance is good, and the cost筆藍 cannot be too high. Commonly used 關要cold storage insulation mat舞冷erials are rice husk, polystyrene foam唱什, polyurethane r靜弟igid foam and so on. Rice hu白跳sks are easy to obtain, but the t道機hermal resistance哥明 is small, easy to absorb moisture件裡, and the amount is large. The const信女ruction of the warehou相知se is labor-intensive and time-consum聽技ing. Large, moderate pr讀行ice, easy to build and install; 子明polyurethane rigid foam has the la日能rgest thermal resistance and the子筆 best thermal insulation pe歌作rformance, but the舊飛 price is high.
2. Moisture-proof and vapour新員-proof of the c有離old storage enclosure It is al長音so necessary to take moisture-p和睡roof and vapour-pro事些of measures for the 一銀cold storage enc電新losure, otherwise the t少中hermal insulation靜快 performance of the ther上票mal insulation mate理務rial will be deteriorated. This光拿 is also the reason w房長hy the thermal in山票sulation performance of the col喝黑d storage body is good 店可when it is first used,冷低 but the therma離唱l insulation eff小服ect deteriorates村年 after a period of time. Since water va為家por permeates from the high temp木行erature side to t木老he low temperature side, the moi草算sture-proof and 唱能vapor barrier layer should be loc技靜ated on the side with 和工the highest temperature of the thermal 章分insulation layer.
3. Evaporation pre爸鐵ssure and temperature of cold 麗黃storage Evaporation但快 temperature corre一關sponds to evaporation pressure. After 舞亮knowing the evaporati市子on pressure, the evaporation t看亮emperature can be obtained by looking u就呢p the table. Under the們煙 condition that the temperature o新計f the cold storage room is constant, th些電e temperature dif市新ference (the difference between the但資 evaporation temperature and the temper購日ature of the warehouse) is風數 reduced, the evaporation temperature c紅森an be increased accordingly, and 能區the cooling capacity of the cold storag年謝e refrigerator 新市will be increased, that is, the cir聽紙culation efficiency will be 請紅improved. Correspondingly Electricity訊場 is also saved.
4. Defrost operation in cold storage地身 Generally speaking, when 女暗the resistance of the frost la動煙yer on the surface of the e兒也vaporator to the air is哥國 not significan畫微t, and the flow紅計 of air through t信房he evaporator has not been reduced, the看報 effect of the frost layer書技 is not serious, and it is n近少ot necessary to 地們defrost; When the flow o做兵f air is significantly reduced, defrost讀數ing should be performed. The higher 件美the humidity of the air, the gr船問eater the temperature difference b人子etween the evaporator and the r也習efrigerator, the eas很話ier it is to form frost on t呢對he evaporator. 行民Combined with the preserva吧謝tion process, packaging and refrig聽答eration can reduce th街畫e dry consumption of f制地ruits and vegetables an微民d reduce the number of睡機 defrosting times of the evaporat匠吃or. In fact, it also plays a ro低拿le in energy savin動煙g of cold storage.
5. Cold storage temperature and col門醫d storage warehouse utilization Differ見房ent fruits and vegetable技書s have different storage temperatures金書, and each fruit and vegetab海算le also has a suitable t友書emperature range for its storage. Wi你笑thout affecting the q煙也uality of fruits and v秒裡egetables, energy-saving cold stora用機ge should choose a higher stor器海age temperature. When the懂謝 temperature of the雜現 cold storage is high, the e道多vaporating temperature of the refriger去志ation system is also inc影謝reased accordingly, the秒商 cooling capacity of the refrigerat白機or will be increased, and the 媽師cycle efficiency will of course be impr件煙oved. More importantl亮理y, increasing the temperature o她現f the cold storage can also r影到educe the heat tra校資nsfer to the outsi術離de through the storage b司河ody. The utilizat答山ion rate of energy-savin農藍g cold storage warehou哥拍se is the ratio 風算of the actual volume of fruits and 信熱vegetables to th通水e effective volume of體影 the warehouse. The volume utilizat歌做ion rate of micro-cold西司 storage is generally no計靜t less than 0.3, 為西and of course it cannot be too地還 high, otherwise it will be diffic懂有ult to cool down. When the volume of th視民e fruits and vegetables to be stor美算ed varies greatly, it should 他子be divided into two or more co章照ld storage rooms. In 又子addition, a reasonable storage通銀 period should be select有西ed, which is self-evid城有ent for the energy saving of the co場綠ld storage.
Ⅱ. Frequency conver跳匠sion speed regulation 區習technology is used for車快 energy saving i為機n cold storage. Since 80% of the村體 power consumption of cold storag科冷e enterprises is the refrigeration s煙鄉ystem, and the 快就power consumption of the海低 compressor in the refrigeration熱如 system accounts for about 60%, the en離光ergy saving significance of銀很 the motor matched with the compressor購靜 is more import費站ant. for major.下店 In the design of cold storage, 森他the equipment is generally determined a新男ccording to the maxi月商mum mechanical load condition that o信機ccurs throughou窗見t the year to meet the 來妹requirements of the 雨技peak heat load. However, in actual ope鄉服ration, due to the existence 費讀of food cold processing and other chan短書ging factors, the 暗少selected cold storage is often des見視igned. The compressor runs fo話務r a short time at full load, and runs黑那 for a long time at low 看車load, so that th錯讀e compressor runs under the condition o家線f less than the design load 費銀most of the time.
Ⅲ. Micro energy-saving cold storag笑民e Micro energy-saving col生近d storage is a storage我紙 facility with simple operation, 謝她reliable performance 文司and good effect developed for the 刀跳main management mode o師謝f agricultural production in了東 my country and the economic到愛 and technical level of rural household訊醫s. It has won the national pa新微tent and the eighth Special G到訊old Award at the聽店 China Patent New Tec朋問hnology and New Product地還 Expo. It can be widely used in t街樂he storage and pre-cooling of a刀算gricultural and sidel門還ine products such as fruits, vegetables習空, grains, flowers, and medicina到呢l materials, food, and fine che司雜mical raw materials. important carrie厭做r. Refrigeration間時 equipment is the 紅可most critical part of mic子村ro energy-saving cold storage, which i習話s mainly suitable歌舞 for rural households, wh司微olesale markets, supermarkets, fres樹街h-keeping refrigeration, qu老見ick-freezing and freezing.
Main features of micro en商上ergy-saving cold storage equip醫學ment:
(1) The refrigerant filling and d海會ebugging of the micro energy-saving col西拿d storage have been黃兒 strictly tested before lea短這ving the factor但路y. At the same ti舞務me, the installation is convenient and 放員fast. It only needs to connect the 是慢indoor unit and 火快the outdoor unit with 習志pipes and connect the pow歌關er to work.
(2) The refrigeration unit of the micro是遠 energy-saving cold s謝放torage adopts imp銀明orted fully enclos見慢ed refrigeration compressors, a金懂nd the main control co要少mponents can also 是說use foreign products, so the operatio日訊n is safe and reliable, and the troub慢道le-free operation time is long. (3) 內個The automatic con著跳trol system of the 船相miniature energ吧著y-saving cold stora黑北ge adopts microcompute謝電r control, the temperature c子廠ontrol is accurate, and th城到e operation is 姐去simple. Temperature inside 這城the library.
(4) The unit of the mic金窗ro energy-saving col近紅d storage adopts科我 hot air or electric heati花金ng defrosting method,雪數 the defrosting time is short, and the科是 temperature fluctuation in th下體e storage is small durin秒城g the defrosting period.嗎道 There are two m森低ost commonly used specifications弟玩 for micro energy舊如-saving cold storage:拿水 90m3 and 120m3 volume. The c銀問onstruction investment綠務 is generally 15,000 to 20,000 yuan件黑. The warehouse built according 黃服to the design poin女花ts of the micro energy-saving 吧一cold storage has fast cooling speed, go短友od thermal insulation performance, 吧現and small temperature fl購讀uctuation of the cold st些妹orage. Generally, within 48 hours afte黃銀r the empty war子又ehouse is turned長兵 on, the temperature of the cold冷弟 storage can be re上黃duced from 20 &d麗去eg;C to 0 °C; in the pre拍姐-cooling and cooling 微匠stage of the fruit, 海一the daily power船公 consumption of the equi錢呢pment is generally 4國愛0~50 degrees, and the daily powe影器r consumption of the cold stor老村age is only after t跳文he temperature of th家來e cold storage is stable. 7體相~8 degrees, the northern 多和region can use natural cold source v匠頻entilation to cool down in服玩 winter, and the monthly power consumpt作一ion is very low.
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