

Address: No. 12, Shihe Road, Shidao Man志草agement District, Ron物麗gcheng City, Shandong Province都不
Three ways to reduce col問志d storage operating costs
2020-01-20 00:00
To control and reduc坐器e the operating costs o山裡f cold storage, in t但錯he operation and managemen業藍t of machinery and eq雪為uipment, we must 年和focus on "oi服地l, fluorine, water, and elec吧北tricity"; in the manage分森ment of warehous國學es, we must strictly control the five 著村barriers of &qu資亮ot;ice, frost, wate妹理r, door, and light" 在歌;In quality management,話校 mature technology and techn路少ology are adopted 為哥to improve product qua大務lity. Experts in the la件子rge air conditioning and r關了efrigeration market醫也 pointed out that the evaporating美遠 pressure and temperature of th務業e refrigeration system and the c車吃ondensing pressure 技紅and temperature a些聽re the main parameters. It is an i自為mportant basis 廠拿for operation and adjust開也ment. According to the actual co計市nditions and system changes,黃國 the operating parameters are continuou習唱sly adjusted and controlled to 空行operate under eco電算nomical and reasonab區司le parameters, which can ensure the 議西safety of machinery, equipm問呢ent and stored products, give ful機海l play to equipment eff訊信iciency, and save money. Water,師大 electricity, oil, etc.
1. Prevent the evaporation temperature 路工from being too low我信
A. The increase of 女公the temperature difference離友 between the evaporation temper也唱ature and the warehouse temperatur慢謝e will make the evaporation 那村temperature too low器地, which will lead to a decrease in 作坐the cooling coefficient and an 長關increase in ene舞玩rgy consumption. It弟國 is estimated that when ot玩章her conditions remain unchanged車購, when the evaporation temperatur分刀e decreases by 1 °C, it wi資快ll consume 1~2% more pow上近er. In addition, the incre都人ase in temperat兒影ure difference will also increase the是物 dehumidification c妹商apacity of the 朋樹air cooler and reduce the humidity o那土f the warehouse, wh司玩ich will increase讀路 the dry consumpti錢開on of food and reduce the quality of fo謝吧od.
B. The evaporation tem技銀perature usually used in my 山東country. The diffe志靜rence between the evaporation村對 temperature and the temper去少ature of the warehouse is general時亮ly 10 °C. The evaporation temp美數erature of the frui章身t and vegetable cold st坐東orage is generally designed to be ab森那out -10 °C, the frozen storage ro訊我om is -28 °C, and the freezing舞化 room is -33 °C. The temperature 但車difference is about 15℃, while in devel是物oped countries such as Europ還是e, the difference bet樹醫ween the evaporation temperature a話微nd the warehouse temperat如女ure is generally員空 3~5℃.
C. Reasons and solu商做tions for low evapora近要tion temperature
(1) There is a problem when the e樂河vaporator (cooler) 間短is too small in design, or看風 the actual storage雨近 variety is different 鐘章from the planned storage variet紅用y, and the heat load increases. 西那For example, the cold storage for 高黃apple storage is u又業sed to store garlic sprouts. The林報 harvest period 樂山is only a few day老機s. It is impossible to achieve廠員 the same daily purchase volume of a分服pples as 5%-15% of the storag外北e capacity, but it will be體花 full in 3 to 5 da湖土ys. Therefore, if t場村he temperature sho暗哥uld be lowered 資裡to a suitable storage in time. T好長he temperature can only be achieved友明 by lowering the evap相頻oration temperature. The長關 evaporation ar多區ea of the evaporator should be雪妹 increased or the evaporator shou黃風ld be replaced.
(2) The cooling capacity of t多話he compressor is too large. After the舊呢 load of the warehouse is reduced, the藍到 energy of the compressor is 窗們not reduced in time這黑. The compressor of the cold stora訊你ge is matched accor員土ding to the maximum load of the r姐明efrigeration syste影拿m, and the maximum load of多玩 the fruit and vegetab水關le cold storage occur訊物s during the stora校弟ge stage of the goods. Most of the我讀 time, the load of the comp拿讀ressor is less than 50%. Wh見師en the storage temperature drops to a s上時uitable storage tempe木化rature, the system都新 load is greatly re購們duced. If a large machine is still turn明光ed on, a large horse-drawn tro為來lley will be formed, the temperat道到ure difference will increas街兵e, and the power consumption 錢都will increase. The number問厭 of compressors to be turned on靜拍 should be reduced南朋 or the number of working cylinders s知兒hould be reduced銀司 with an energy 從請regulating device accor哥和ding to changes 東舞in warehouse load.
(3) The evaporator is not defrost工能ed in time and the evapora黑森tor coil is frosted to reduce t站電he heat transfer coefficient, in藍資crease the thermal resistanc議章e, reduce the heat transfer effect, 子說and reduce the evaporation of the線公 refrigerant. When the compresso關冷r energy remains unchanged黑媽, it will lead to The舊有 evaporation pressure o商錯f the system decreases, a道見nd the corresponding evaporatio子化n temperature decreases, so上海 it is necessary to如花 defrost in tim山體e.
(4) Lubricating oil in the evaporator 湖國The lubricating oi鐘年l in the evapora作得tor will form a做東n oil film on the tube wa器國ll of the evaporating co相用il, which will al舞如so reduce the heat 做快transfer coefficient房子, increase the thermal resi師店stance, reduce the heat t術我ransfer effect, and cause the refrigera會上nt to evaporate. If the amoun問得t of oil is reduced, the evaporation pr短街essure of the system will be reduc暗化ed, and the corresponding evapo北說ration temperature will b志秒e reduced. Therefore, the oil should 鐵著be drained to the system in time, an海湖d the lubricating 窗相oil in the evaporator shou綠近ld be brought o空件ut by hot ammonia flushing.
(5) The opening of the exp和生ansion valve is too small If the o場西pening of the expa森喝nsion valve is too small,作到 the liquid supply of the sys動話tem is small, an水視d the evaporating pressure 知笑will decrease und唱見er the condition of the sa水技me compressor energy, result跳自ing in a decrease in the evaporat少紙ing temperature妹離. The expansion 外亮valve opening should be increase也街d.
2. Prevent the condensi畫文ng pressure from being t視河oo high If the condensing 說間pressure rises, t可區he compression function哥話 will increase, the coo開綠ling capacity will decrease, t有很he cooling coefficient will dec開動rease, and the energy consum水音ption will incr著歌ease. It is estimated that when oth但慢er conditions remain unchanged, the po可草wer consumption wil兵水l increase by about 3% for every 1放會°C increase 土錢in the condensing temperature 學歌corresponding to the co場城ndensing pressure.門路 It is generally consider匠月ed that the more economic對資al and reasonable condensing t年玩emperature is 3~5 °C higher than 跳畫the outlet temperature of the cooling如新 water. Causes and solutions for 業街the increase in cond對鐵enser pressure:來視
(1) The condenser is too 答煙small. Replace or add c姐有ondenser.
(2) The number of condensers pu少白t into operation is small. I廠低ncrease the number of operating un醫她its.
(3) Insufficient coolin錢謝g water flow. Increase the number of ru紅很nning pumps and increase the water快可 flow.
(4) The cooling water 村機temperature is too hi什照gh. Supplement low-temperature wa爸從ter (tap water or well water); use f外分rost water; ensure 志科the cooling effect of t但懂he cooling tower, th弟市e cooling tower is installed錯匠 outdoors, due to the action of the fa來熱n, a large amount of dus會謝t, leaves, insects, etc.黑志 will enter the tower,麗還 which takes a long time. In add湖信ition, the nozzle holes of the water 業歌distributor will be 錢大blocked by debris or scale a玩業fter a long time of use,山房 which will affect the cooling effect身和. Therefore, the cooling t還坐ower needs to b水購e cleaned regularly to keep it 時體clean. When the water temperature腦嗎 is close to the air wet bulb temp電內erature, the cooling tower fan shoul就謝d be turned off to reduce power數很 consumption.
(5) The heat exchange 腦還area of the condenser 樹外is reduced. Suf討時ficient heat exchange area視討 is an important guarantee for the h分海eat exchange effect of the cond山如enser. Especially the工那 refrigeration system usin場師g the compression condensing unit,如件 because the condenser of t國靜his unit has the fun知自ction of the liquid receiver, when t票門he liquid level in th車頻e condenser is too high,市暗 the condensing effect o坐謝f the condenser is serious子見ly affected, and 兵哥the condensing temper月場ature and pressu短慢re increase, The power c快吃onsumption of the refrigeratio那媽n compressor increases. Therefore舞她, attention should be 筆師paid to the change o山拍f the liquid level during operation, an低去d the condensed liquid in t又唱he condenser should司身 be discharged in time. When the refrig森哥erant is added, the added amount sho草兵uld be strictly 高快controlled to ensure sufficient heat ex得樹change area of the conden光電ser.
(6) The water distribution of t光的he condenser is une著討ven. When the water distribution is 理術uneven, the water flow鄉美 in some pipes is the largest河樂, and the water flow跳林 in some pipes is small, which員好 will reduce the heat transfer effic聽術iency and increase t行光he condensation temp民影erature. A good water flow用林 distribution sh拍新ould be that the water一水 flow rotates down the pipe wall門下. If the water flow flows d金還own from the middle of the p現電ipe, most of the water fl計志ow will not have the effect of condens煙購ation. Therefore, when the water工腦 distribution of the water d草地istributor is uneven, the wa舊照ter distributor shou動雨ld be replaced.
(7) There is scale on the co鐵日ndenser pipe. The scale on the conden厭西ser pipes leads to an increase in the裡妹rmal resistance, a decre舊冷ase in the heat transfer coeffic廠到ient, a decrease in the heat exchan房站ge effect, and an increase 廠工in the condensation tem見會perature. Improve water quality an新票d descale in time.
(8) There is air in the condenser. Th訊跳e air in the condenser increases t匠輛he partial pressure in the syste離暗m and the total pressure, and the 道紅air also forms a gas 小信layer on the surface of t都草he condenser, resulti窗靜ng in additional thermal resistance舞也, reducing the heat tra也校nsfer efficiency, r看化esulting in an inc北個rease in the condensation pressur機師e and condensati短從on temperature. Ai土司r should be released in time.
3. Prevent the 謝歌exhaust temperature from being t冷雪oo high Excessive exh都分aust temperature will deteriorate the們門 lubrication of t村也he compressor, increase fr們時iction, and increase energy草聽 consumption; at the same time,錯城 excessive exhaust temperat秒費ure will also cause the坐制 heat exchange bet姐睡ween the refrigerant gas and the cylin小草der wall increase, resulting票科 in a decrease 生店in compressor efficienc長玩y. Causes and soluti快朋ons for excessive exhaust temperature:商如
(1) Poor cooling of the compressor歌市 cylinder. Increase cooling w少外ater to improve cooling conditions.
(2) The suction sup長視erheat of the compressor is too large讀購, improve the insulation of the su店校ction pipe or incr花謝ease the liquid supply of the evapora在喝tor.
(3) The suction pressure is t區水oo low.
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