Address: No. 12, Shihe Road, Shidao Ma畫微nagement District, Rongche人話ng City, Shandong Province
Refrigeration equipment fo會關r Lucky 966/977 trawler completes tr鄉風ial
2022-07-14 00:00
Congratulations to Boss Liu of D劇地alian Shenghang Co., Ltd. for the succ還和essful trial voyage站動 today. The ship is 50 meters long 章對and has a main engine of 2000 ho慢來rsepower. Our company packag聽亮ed and matched the refrigerati弟計on system on the ship, equipped wi山明th two German B分這ITZER refrigeration units 議白and 4 flat-plate freezing units. machi志什ne, which can freeze 23裡兒 tons of fish at a time. The光坐 ship is scheduled to sa鐘理il to African fishing老她 grounds in August.
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